Click here to read transcript or leave a comment I’m going to tell you an inspiring story this week. It’s about a group of everyday people who made $175 million in the markets. And the best bit is, it’s a true story. Now, most of the people you’ll hear about began with no experience. They […]
Click here to read transcript or leave a comment They say your biggest regrets are not what you do, but what you don’t do. And do you know what? I agree. It’s the opportunities I let go that linger longest in my mind. Take the stock market for instance. Do you ever hesitate to buy […]
Now I want you to sit back and imagine this… You’re looking across a sprawling room full of traders. Some are standing with a phone to either ear, while others yell stock prices to colleagues. It’s a chaotic scene full of noise and activity. Then, above the commotion, you hear: ‘Whoo! I just bagged the […]
By Jason McIntosh | Founder, Motion Trader This week I’m going to tell you about a defining moment in my career. It involves a trade that would have a lasting influence… a trade that gave me confidence that I’d make it as a trader. Let me set the scene… It was 1999, and gold had […]
Click here to read transcript or leave a comment I remember it like yesterday… The date was 17 June 1999, and the dealing room was unusually quiet. A big announcement was pending… one that would turn my life and career inside out. You see, my employer — Bankers Trust — was no longer. A takeover […]
Click here to read transcript or leave a comment Tell me, what’s the best movie line ever? Just about everyone has a favourite, I’m sure you do too. You know, I’ve drawn inspiration from many films over the years. But there was one that had a big influence on my early years as a trader. […]
Click here to read transcript or leave a comment You know, I often hear people say their trading isn’t progressing. Many have been in the market for years, and wonder if they’ll ever reach the next level. I remember grappling with the same issue early in my career. You may be in the same place […]
Click here to read transcript or leave a comment Now, I’m going to say something that may surprise you… it’s probably not what you’d expect an algorithmic trader to say… So here goes… algorithms make mistakes. Yes, you heard that correctly. Just like you and me, algorithms get things wrong. GPS devices are a classic […]
Click here to read transcript or leave a comment So, do university degrees really matter? Well, if you’re hoping to work for a top firm, then apparently so. You see, a friend of mine is a senior manager at a big corporation. She got her start many years ago and worked her way through the ranks — […]
Five Tactics to Fearless Trading Click here to read transcript or leave a comment Now, you’re going to recognise this next phrase instantly. It’s one of the most famous slogans of all time. In fact, it’s become the personal mantra for millions of people. Okay, are you ready? Right, here goes: ‘Just do it’. So, […]
My Trading Account Looks Like This… Click here to read transcript or leave a comment Now, I’ve got a confession to make. I’m always telling my kids to keep an open mind. I say there’s nothing to gain by closing yourself off to new ideas. Flexible thinking can lead to amazing opportunities. But sometimes I […]
Click here to read transcript or leave a comment Now, excelling at anything is hard. Whether it’s trading, or sport, or study, or you name it. If you want to be good at something, you know it’s going take some effort. I read a fascinating book a while back called Bounce. The author, Matthew Syed, […]
Now, few things pack as much punch… Words like intimidating, formidable, and debilitating describe its impact. And many people will do almost anything to avoid it. Do you know what I’m describing? Well let me tell you…
Click here to leave a comment So, when should you lock in a trading profit? Think about this carefully. Your answer could influence your odds of success. You see, people often tell me that a trader shouldn’t be greedy. These people like the certainty of banking a modest profit. They say it’s better to sell […]
One of the hardest parts of investing is figuring out where to start. With so many different paths and options to consider, it's easy to understand why so many beginner investors simply give up. But do you know what? Many of the best traders and investors began the same way… that’s because everyone starts from a point of no knowledge.
One of the best things about trading in the stock market is that no one’s born an expert. You don’t need a fancy qualification or be employed by a Wall Street Bank. All you need is a bit of capital and the right people to learn from. The people who’ve been there themselves. The people who’ve experienced the same struggles and have come out the other side.
The aim of this website is to develop your trading and investing skills, and broaden your investment ideas. We offer a range of free videos and articles to help you develop a framework to build and manage your own share portfolio. You’ll also get trading insights on how to select stocks (and put the odds in your favour), when to buy stocks, and when to sell your share investments.
Our goal is to put you on the right path early in your investing career. We want to help you avoid the trading mistakes and big investment losses that many people experience. And we want to help you reach your goal without all the years of trial and error.
Hopefully, our articles and videos make the investment process a little bit easier for you.
Jason and the Motion Trader team
If you’d like to learn to trade and invest in stocks, register for our free video training on share trading for beginners. It explains the process many investors use to build profitable share portfolios and will give you the trading tips you need to have all the success in the world. We'll also give you the trading tips you need to move forward with confidence. The step-by-step instructions aim to help you start trading stocks right away.