What is Motion Trader

Motion Trader analyses practically every ASX stock each day. We use custom algorithms to zero in on high potential investment opportunities. The stocks we cover range from the largest companies to fascinating small caps that few people know about.
You could describe Motion Trader as an all-seeing motion detector.
Our approach involves a series of trend identification techniques. These time-tested strategies are applied with consistently by algorithms. There’s no guesswork or gut-feel — just algorithmic precision.
Members receive a daily email with the latest opportunities (at around 7 pm). Our advice is clear-cut, with precise instructions for when to buy and sell.
A typical email looks like this:
It has all the information you need to place a buy order.
You’ll notice that buy signals are in three categories: Big, Growing, and Extreme Motion. These help you quickly gauge the size of the company (rankings are according to Motion Trader’s custom algorithm and may differ to ASX indices).
Here’s a brief run down…
Big Motion covers the largest 250 stocks, Growing Motion contains the next 250 companies, while Extreme Motion includes the rest (stocks that are often outside the All Ordinaries).
It isn't necessary to buy every stock. Motion Trader is a comprehensive service that analyses around 2,000 stocks daily. We reduce a large number of ASX possibilities to a short-list of high potential candidates. Members then decide which opportunities suit them.
A key feature of the service is that every buy signal has a calculated exit stop. This is the point where you sell a stock and record a profit or loss. Successful investing is more than picking the right stock… it’s also about knowing when to sell them.
The exit stop will potentially change each week (according to movements in the share price). Member’s track these changes in the weekly portfolio update. The calculated exit stop helps remove the uncertainty from investing.
Motion Trader’s strategy is to exit stocks that are falling and to let profits run.
The daily email also includes an exit summary for the day. This lists any stocks that have reached their exit stop. The aim is to help you manage your portfolio with ease.

Meet Jason
I'm Jason McIntosh, the creator of Motion Trader. My career began in 1991 on the trading floor at Bankers Trust. Nowadays, I trade my own systems from home in Sydney.
Motion Trader is for investors who value robust analysis, data driven entry and exit signals, commentary, and education. I use engineered algorithms to identify when to buy and sell ASX stocks. No biases or guesswork, just data driven signals.