How many people are born famous?

Not many, right?

With a few exceptions, fame is a by-product of success. The spotlight typically only shines on people after they’ve made it.

A successful company isn’t that different.

Most businesses start out with a founder and an idea. They then take time to grow. Once you hear about them, the business is probably a large corporation.

So how do you identify these companies earlier?

How do you buy before the spotlight shines on them?

Well, I’m going to tell you in a moment. You’ll see how it’s possible to buy high potential stocks before many people even know they exist.

But first, think about this…

Big names start small

Buffett, Gates and Branson.

These are three of the most famous people on Earth. We link them with wealth and success. You’d have to go a long way to find someone who hasn’t heard of them.

But it wasn’t always this way. They started out as anonymous as the next person.

Take Richard Branson for instance…

His career began selling discount records from a university magazine. The next step was a recording business. Then later an airline and hundreds of other ventures.

Branson’s fame and wealth grew massively over the years. Sources say his net wealth is around US$5 billion. All this from a humble beginning.

Now, imagine you could put your money alongside Branson’s.

When do you think was the best time to invest?

The answer’s obvious.

You make the most money by getting in early. This is typically when the growth rate is greatest. It’s then a matter of holding on for the ride.

But remember: Branson began as an unknown. The trick was to identify him as a potential superstar before he became a household name.

Share traders face the same dilemma.

The ASX has over 2,000 listings — far too many for most people to analyse. This often causes traders to focus on the larger stocks in the ASX 200, or even the ASX 100.

But there’s a problem…

The best returns often come from outside the ASX 200. These are the emerging stars that few people know about — until of course they become much bigger.

The invisible stars

So what do these stocks look like?

Well, let me show you three examples from my own portfolio. To be clear, these are  real open trades — they aren’t hypothetical. They are actual, real life positions.

First up is Alliance Aviation Services Ltd [ASX:AQZ].

Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it. You wouldn’t be the only one. A lot of the companies in my portfolio are a mystery to many people.

AQZ offers contract and charter services in Australasia and Europe. It’s in both the ASX Emerging Companies Index and the All Ordinaries. But it’s yet to crack the ASX 300.

Here’s the trade chart:

My entry was at 87 cents on 30 May 2017. The trigger for my entry was a subtle shift in the stock’s momentum. This was after a lengthy period of trendless trading.

AQZ is currently up 196.5% (as of the close of business on 18 April 2019).

Incidentally, AQZ’s inclusion in the All Ords was announced on 9 March 2018. My entry steps identified the stock almost 10 months earlier. I’ll tell you more about this in the FIVE STEPS event.

The next stock is Jumbo Interactive Ltd [ASX:JIN].

Check this out:

JIN’s growing market cap saw it enter the ASX 300 on 8 March 2019.

If you haven’t heard of it, you’re not alone. The stock is only just coming to the attention of many mainstream analysts. It was previously too small to get widescale attention.

My entry was $2.81 on 13 October 2017 — more than a year before it went into the ASX 300.

JIN remains an open trade in my portfolio, and it’s up by 480.3%. I’ll explain the steps that made this big triple-digit gain possible in the upcoming training event.

The last stock I’ll show you isn’t even in the All Ordinaries. With a market cap of around $247 million, it’s truly unknowable for many people.

Have a look at this:

Advanced NanoTek Ltd [ASX:ANO] has been in my portfolio since 10 January 2019.

The company manufactures aluminium and zinc oxide for skincare products. The shares are already up 276.4%, and the trend shows no clear signs of ending.

It will be interesting to see if ANO eventually cracks the ASX 200. That’s often when the mainstream media finally catches on and brings it to the public’s attention.

Just think, how many emerging ANO’s are out there now?

Well, in the FIVE STEPS training event, I’ll tell you how I find them… and how you could do so as well.

It’s important to note that the steps I’ll be explaining aren’t just for trading emerging stocks. The techniques also apply to the big stocks in the ASX 200, and even the ASX 50.

But keep an eye out for the “invisible stars”.

You’ll be one of the few who know them by name.

All the best,

P.S. There are over 2,000 listings on the ASX. Most of these companies are virtually unknown — much like Branson and his mail-order business. But in just two days, I’m going to explain how you could find the likes of Alliance Aviation, Jumbo Interactive, and Advanced NanoTek. I think you’re going to enjoy this.


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